We’ve updated our events page for this fall! Check out our schedule!
Every Tues. live Ukulele music w/ the Indian Hill Music Ukulele Club
Fun pool tournament all skill levels welcomed, double elimination,
Every Wed. live Irish music
Every Sun. Chess Matches, all skill levels welcomed. Starts 7:00
10/7 Ayer Shirley Football Fundraiser
10/10 Margaret Busse for State Senate meet & greet
10/16 National Bosses Day, Bring your boss and shoot Free.
10/21 Justin Ruenhec Memorial Pool Tournament
10/27 Halloween Bash
Featuring DJ White Chocolate playing throughout the night & mashing up the best jamz & classical hits.
Costume contest, Best Dressed for singles and couples. All entered for a Grand Vacation Package for two to Las Vegas, includes companion air fare.
$10 per person/$15 for couples at the door.
Includes food and munches for the night.
11/3 Closed, private party
11/10 Groton Dunstable Class of 1993 reunion
11/11 Veteran’s Day, Free Pool for all veteran’s and military
11/21 Thanksgiving Eve Bash, w/ DJ White Chocolate
11/22 Closed for Thanksgiving
11/23 Groton Dunstable class of 2013 reunion
11/24 Littleton class of 1998 reunion, Ayer High class of 1983 reunion, Ayer High class or 2008 reunion
12/2 Patriots vs the Vikings, Free pool during the game, Game starts at 4:25
12/8 Army Navy Football Game, Game starts at 3:00
12/16 Patriots vs Steelers, Free pool during the game, Game starts at 4:25
12/ 24-25 Closed for Christmas
12/31 Closed for New Years
1/1 Closed new Years Day